Why Finnish Dating Sites Are Great

The Finnish might not be known for their dating, but rather their cold demeanor. Truth be told the Finnish have a great sense of humour and can be great to date once you get to know them. They may be less forward than the Americans, but that can be a blessing. Lately Finnish dating sites have become all the rage in Finland. It’s an easy way to meet a lot of singles in one place. Something which is great in a country filled with smaller towns, where it’s otherwise hard to meet new people. And we all deserve a bit of excitement in our life from time to time! So let’s have a look at some of the ins and outs of using a Finnish dating site like Flirttime.com, shall we?
The best way to success when using a Finnish dating website is to have a great profile. This means writing something that stands out a little bit, which really, simply means that it’s personal. Bland statements like “I like going out on a Friday night, but I also like staying in” are neither here, nor there. Rather describe what you like doing, as in “I love going to great salsa and tango places in the weekends, as well as staying home cuddling on the couch and watching movies. I LOVE old movies and action movies, but anything goes so long as I get my popcorn ;)” Remember to be honest, show your sense of humour and keep your Finnish online dating profile decently short - we want a glimpse of who you are, not your entire history. Make us curious, in other words. Profile pictures are important. How else will you know if you think you'll be attracted to someone? And pictures can show off your life in ways a written profile can’t. So use images that show you doing what you enjoy in life.
When you go on a first date with someone you met through a Finnish dating website, don’t over complicate it - meet for a drink, or a coffee. The Finnish drink more coffee than any other nationality, so you might as well have one more cup! Truth be told, a drink or a coffee are great, because you don’t have to see someone for very long. And that’s a good thing for a first date - leave people curious to find out more. And always meet someone for a second date unless they turn out to be Frankenstein’s brother/sister as you will probably see them in an entirely different light. First impressions are often wrong. And attraction happens when we are relaxed - not likely on a first date. For the second date, remember that Finnish singles are looking for fun, so do something fun! Something you both like. And avoid things where you have to sit next to each other in silence when nothing is happening. Like say, having dinner together. Not only does it show a lack of imagination on the part of the person coming up with the date, but it’s as made for awkward silences.
We often tend to get nervous before and during a date, obsessing about what the other person thinks of us. Thankfully there are ways to get around this and have the perfect Finnish date. Know why some Finnish singles are such great flirts? Because they are concentrating on making their date feel good! They stop thinking about themselves and rather listen to their date. They give compliments. They say something when they see their date struggling to come up with something to say. They use their sense of humour to break the ice. They’re simply observant and care more about their date’s feelings than their own. If you do that, your focus shifts from nervosity (thinking about what they’re think about you) to thinking about them. Also, remember the tip for second dates: do something together. Wine tastings, classes in baking, going to a museum, etc. all lead to natural topics for conversation. It’s quiet enough as it is in Finland: dating shouldn’t have to be like the big quiet woods too.